Update!!! sorry i've not updated in awhile, so much has been going on.
So to begin with, my awesome sister is married!!!!!!!!! she is now Mrs. Manda Diaz!!!
It was such a beautiful wedding, and I am so excited to see what God will do in Manda and Eder's life now as a married couple! I love you Manda and Eder very very much!!!
and so what ended up happeneing was this, me and my mom and brothers took a road trip from Michigan to Las Vegas. It took about 3 days to get there and 3 days to get back. it was fun!
I had such a blessed time in Las Vegas with Eder and all his friends and family, they are so sweet and nice! Thank you God for such an amazing and blessed trip. God is good~
and so I come to the next big thing in my life. so I have been praying as to were I should go this coming semester for Bible College, and it was between California and Okinawa. I very much want to go back to Okinawa, as that is where I feel led to serve. and so after much prayer, God finally gave me my answer... and so! I am going to California this coming semester!
I am scared and nervous, but at the same time SOOO Excited! to see what God has instore for me the coming semester. take everyday one day at a time, serving God with all of my heart!
and so now I am just still praying about everything, and if I am supposed to go, God will provide everything! I am very excited to be able to study God's word again! Thank you Lord!
and so... alot has been going on, God is so good and truly I am in awe of Him daily. Thank you God! I love you Lord with all of my heart!