Korea Day 5!!!!! Hannah's farewell pose to Korea! we left bright an early at 6:30am for Korea!!!! We all had such an amazing and blessed time in Korea!

Me and Martin were sad to leave Korea! ~ we miss you korea!

The Coffee Cups at Dunkin' Donuts in Korea are so cute! when you twist the cup the faces change!

At the Seoul Airport we had about a 1-2 hour layover, so we walked around the airport and found this place with traditional Korea music and we got to make Korean paper dolls! it was so much fun, and the picture to the left is of the dolls that Me, Hannah and Martin made.

This was my first Subway ride in Japan! it was really fun, and we got to see the sunset! chyoo kiree~ We took the subway to Rinku Town which was about a 5min train ride, and had dinner at a Ramen place (first time having Ramen in Japan, lol!) and then rode back to catch are flight from Osaka to Okinawa!!!!
I had an amazing and blessed time in Korea, the people there are so nice and it was a blessing being able to just hangout wit them and share the word of God with them!
Today is Palm Sunday and Easter is just one week away, and after Easter is the Worship Conference and Finals... and then..... the semester ends! so sad... I leave exaclty a month from today, i'm sad. I don't want to leave! lol.
I have such an amazing semester and God has showed and taught me so much!
Thank you Lord for each day you have given me, being able to serve you Lord!
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