Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas time comes once a year, once a year...

As of today!!! It's 7 days till Christmas eve!!!

Time has been flying by, God has blessed me so much with my classes, by exams, and just being able to spend more time in the word!
Sorry for updating much, I've been very sick lately and had to go to the doctors a few times. I'm still alive! God always keeps us safe, ね! I found out that I have IBS just like my sister... So there goes yummy food, lol! It's alright, I got Jesus and that's all I need or could ever want! God is awesome ne!

So the pictures below are from yesterday, every year for the past two year or three years we have had a little get together the week before heist as and just eat tons of food. And so the year I made apple pie! Homemade vanilla bean Ice cream, and cookies! God blessed me with being able to eat some of the food without getting sick, thank you Lord!!!

So below are the pictures, I love the one with my brother in the background... Hahahah! ^__^

I hope everyone has a super blessed Christmas eve and Christmas day! God loves you so much, all glory and honor and praise be to God and God alone! Let's all remember to just thank God for His amazing mercy, grace and love! God is love! He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. I love you Jesus! ^__^

Ps. Remember to keep Japan in your prayers, also Korea and the Philippines. The Philippines just had a large tropical storm, and 200 are dead and many missing. Pray that the missing people would be found. God is in control, He is our strength!

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