Monday, May 2, 2011

2 weeks left...

wow... only 2 weeks left until I leave. so much has happened... and yet it feels like i've only been here a few weeks. I remember when we hit the 1/4 of the semester mark and felt like it would be forever until we left, and then all the sudden it's May!?!
What happened to the time??? It was not until two days ago that I realized that I was leaving soon. I've been so busy that I didn't notice, lol!

I'm half and half about everything. part of me is excited to go home and see my family and to watch my awesome sister get married!!! but the other part of me does not want to leave. I love it here and it feels so much like home. When I first came out here I went through alot of spiritual war fare, and it was hard for me to come out here. the first two weeks I was here I was adimit that I was going home the next day, but God helped me through the spiritual war fare and strengthened me.

I have learned so much since being out here. I thought that I was just going to come out for one semester and that was it, but God has really put it in my heart to attend all 4 semesters and finish my 2 years at Bible College. I thought I was just coming here to study the bible also, but each and everyday God has taught me something new, and each day God tests me and i've grown closer with Him. God is truly amazing!!! all glory and honor to Him!!!

A few things that God has shown me are, that know matter what God never gives us more than we can handle. Which is so true, and I can always take comfort in that! God has strengthed me in my walk and relationship with Him and has showed me just how truly amazing God's mercy and grace is. and how my plans are stupid, and how God's plans and ways are the only way! I don't want to do what I want, I want to always do what God wants and has planned for me!
I've learned to Trust more and more in God for everything, and that He always provides in every way! and that we are to truly live everyday one day at a time, serving the Lord with all of are hearts. Everyting is truly in God's hands, and I've seen that so much here and how even when we are in hard times God is always there leading us even when we think nothing is possible, anything is possible with God.

When I came out here I missed my flight because of many reasons and I was going through horrible spiritual war fare, and satan had a tight grip on my anxieties, and yet through that all God provided and guided me out here by His mercy and grace. He provided money for both my ticket and also for my moms ticket to come with me. so in the end God also blessed my mom in being able to come out and meet eder and spend time with me, manda and eder. God is truly amazing! all praise to the Lord.

So wall being out here GOd has showed me so much and given me the next step in my life, and that is to go to my next semester in Bible College and to do all 4 semesters!

I'm so excited to see what God has instore for this summer, and just to see His amazing work take place in my life and everyone's lives here.

ps. also everyone remember to keep mainland Japan in your prayers, they need to hear the Word of God and except Jeus Chist as there savior. they need Jesus so much and need to hear of His great love for us!

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