Thursday, June 2, 2011


so... alot of things have happened and are going on since I came back to michigan.
my sister came and visited before she gets married. she stayed for about 11 days, and it really helped me, she encouraged me with alot of things. i miss you manda~
since being back a few things have really been on my mind, and the first one is what's next...
during my first semester, I planned on that being my only semester I would do, but... during the semester GOd gave me the heart and told me to finish bible college. so next up after this summer is next semester, which brings me to the second thing on my mind... where?
well i've been praying about two different campus's, the main campus in California or going back to Okinawa for next semester. GOd has still not given me a clear answer yet so I am praying and waiting patiently (God has really been teaching me to be patient).
and then we come to the third thing on my mind... what does God have for me this summer...
I plan on getting ahead on chucks this summer, going to my sisters wedding at the end of this month (june 24th!!!), and... that's about it. lol! God has really been working on my heart since being back, and teaching me and showing me many things.
I've also been going through ALOT of spiritual warfare, and having satan constantly trying to either get me down, or tell me that God won't stay with me or that He has left me. But I know these things are false, and that God is always with me, forever!
I knew once my sister left, that it would become alot harder, and it did. but daily God gives me the strength to live each day, serving God with all of my heart.
so alot of things have been going on, but I am so happy that God is always with me, strengthening me and leading and guiding my every step. I love you Lord so much!!!
one thing that I have been dealing with is the fact of how much I don't deserve GOd's love, but He still loves me so much and blesses me way beyond what I can even imagine. I don't deserve it at all, but I thank God daily for His amazing grace, love and kindness... all glory and honor to God! and now that I am done posting on the update, I have one more thing to say...
I am SOOOOOO excited for next semester of Bible College, getting to study God's word, and growing closer and closer to Jesus Christ, my best friend in the whole wide world and my Savior!

ps. remember to keep Japan in your prayers, they need to hear of the love of God.

- Allie~

1 comment:

  1. >>>>Allie-
    I'll pray for you-!
    you are my friend and my sister!!!
    and our father is faithful-!
