Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year~

It's 2012... wow! this past year (2011) Flew By! last I remember is leaving for my first seester of Bible College in January of 2011... and now it's January... 2012! time really flies by...

God has really been showing me all the amazing things He has done for me this year.... So I wanted to make a post of just all the amazing things God has done!

Let's start with my first semester of Bible College, it was a hard road to get there... But God who is so merciful and gracious, brought me out to OKinawa. I was going through a reall hard time and had backslided and was not focused on God during that time, but the verse God put on my heart during and after that time was 2nd Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself". and that verse was so true, I was not being faithful, I was running away and letting satan torment me... but God who is so merciful and loving saved me by pulling me out of where I was and bringing me to Bible College... which was not a easy trip, I missed my flight from anxieties... but GOd provided both cheap tickets and the money for them so that I could go still and plus my mom could go along... GOd blessed her so much! and after I was there GOd used m sister to keep me there, and she was there constantly everyday making sure I was ok and (forcing) helping me to stay... and GOd blessed me so much with that. and I remember about a month in... God just totally spoke to my heart and was like, "why are you running from me?" and like I realized that when all this stuff happened instead of running to God I ran away from God, adn then satan started tormenting me... and my heart was broken, I realized I was running from God and yet HE was the one I needed to run to. and I gave it all to GOd, I was like "GOd forgive me I have sinned I need you completely" and I gave it all to God, and after that the blesings poured in. God showed me so much about HIs love, loving my brothers and sister in CHrist, learning to give it all to God, and diligence by HIs strength. God showed me so much through His word, And He stretched me sooo much that semester! ^__^
- he final thing that happened during my first semester was, God puting it on my heart to finish Bible COllege, the thought scared me but made my SPirit super excited! I am so excited to see what GOd has for me to learn! ^__^

After the semester ended, God had me come home for the semester for... drum roll.... by Sisters wedding to Eder!!! It was such a huge blessing, being able to watch my sister get married to Eder. and seeing God's amazing mercy, grace and love in how HE brought them together, there marriage is truly a witness to God. when I see them, I see the awesome work GOd has done in both of there lives and it encourages me that when I get married someday(Lord willing!) that I want to do it how GOd want sme to, all I want is JEsus! God is my everything!

then I had the summer, God really taught me diligence, both in HIs word and what I did daily. and GOd was working on my all semester on loving my brothers and sisters in Christ. it was something I never noticed and struggled with.

also during them summer God showed me how to be persistant in prayer with all joy and peace in beliving (Romans 15:13), my sister gave me this verse when I was praying about my second semester of Bible College adn was leaning back and forth from OKianwa and California. God showed me that I needed to step out in faith, so I did with OKianwa and GOd shut the door and showed me California! the thing with California was, God always put it on my heart from about mid-semester in Okinawa to get the teaching in California! and so I assumed the only way to get the teaching from California was to go there. but after going there adn a bunch of tuition money falling through, and then coming back in the end God gave me the choice: California o stay at home and do online CCBC with the teaching frmo California. and after alot of prayer, what was on my heart was to stay home. and like God put it on my heart that either way I would be blessed to studying HIs word and also that if I stayed home... HE would pull me through.

and so CCBC 2nd semester Classes begun! If I could sum up this semester in one sentence it would be "God's overwhelming love and blessings". God has shown me so much through this semster of classes... God has shown me how to love, how to rejoice in trials, diligence, persistance, fighting the good fight of faith, growing in His Grace, falling more in love with Christ daily, walking in the SPirit, dilience in prayer, seeking HIs will, dying to myself daily, killing my flesh, being overwhelmed by His love daily, resting in HIm, doing it in CHrist's strength and not my own, it's just me and JEsus forever...
God has truly blessed me so much, all glory and honor be to the Lord! I am almost done with this semester, almost there! God is our strength. it's been a hard semester, tons and tons of spiritual warfare... but one day God showed me... i asked that HE would make me more like CHrist and God showed me that through the trials He is making me more like CHrist. satan tries to trick me, make me doubt, make me fall, make me scared... but everytime God over fills me with HIs love, with HIs word, with HIs peace. giving me the strength to pres on. I cannot carry my cross, But God carries it for me...

one thing that God has done this semester, is how to love.... something that I didn't do... I am not a loving person, but it is no longer I who lvies by Christ who lives in me. I am not longer regarded as flesh, I am Spirit. the Spirit of Christ lives in me, and the love of Christ is in me which is why I am able to love one another as Christ loves me.

God really showed me these verses in the past few days:
- 2nd Corinthians 5:15-21,
"And He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even thought we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him this no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself trough Jesus Christ, and has give us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that od was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputting their trespasses to them, and has commited to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading throuh us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

we are ambassadors for Christ, we are to imitate Christ, and be doers not hearers only. God continues to sow me HIs amazing mercy, grace and love and shows me that I need to daily cling to HIm. I am nothign with GOd, JEsus is my everything! and I love JEsus Chyoo much! ^__^

there is so much more that GOd has done this year in my life, but I don't have enough time to write it... still gotta finish! GOd is my strength! Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". CHrist my strength my first and only love!
al I can do is say... God is awesome, all glory and honor be to God! God I give my life to You as a living sacrifice!

Pray for Japan, they need Jesus, they don't have the peace of God... they Need Jesus!

- Ally

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