God's grace... Lately God has just been pouring out His amazing grace upon me, showing me how it's only by Gods strength that I can do anything...
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy".
-Jude verse 24
It is God who keeps us from stumbling, and God has just been showing me that it's by His Holy Spirit that I can do all these things for His glory. And like God has just been showing me daily how He always pulls me through, and that all we are to do I follow Him, believe in Jesus, and cling to God, loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. And it's all by His Holy Spirit which He has given us. God is so truly good! ^__^
Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas~
I pray that everyone has a wonderful and super blessed Christmas! Praise the Lord, God we love you Lord! You have blessed us so much, we are so unworthy and yet Lord you made us worthy and God you love us so much! God my life is yours!!!
Here are some pictures from heist as eve With the grandparents and family. We missed Manda and Eder very much. I also made a Japanese Christmas cake, my first time making one. Praise the Lord it turned out.
Jesus loves you~
Here are some pictures from heist as eve With the grandparents and family. We missed Manda and Eder very much. I also made a Japanese Christmas cake, my first time making one. Praise the Lord it turned out.
Jesus loves you~
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Praise the Lord!
God is awesome!!! All glory and honor be to God. I love you Jesus!
God has blessed me so much and continues to pull me through everything, God is my strength, my comfort, my light, God is my everything.
I pray that everyone has a wonderful, and super blessed Christmas! May God bless you on this wonderful and special time of year. God has given us the greatest gift of all, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Savior! !
God has blessed me so much and continues to pull me through everything, God is my strength, my comfort, my light, God is my everything.
I pray that everyone has a wonderful, and super blessed Christmas! May God bless you on this wonderful and special time of year. God has given us the greatest gift of all, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Savior! !
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Christmas time comes once a year, once a year...
As of today!!! It's 7 days till Christmas eve!!!
Time has been flying by, God has blessed me so much with my classes, by exams, and just being able to spend more time in the word!
Sorry for updating much, I've been very sick lately and had to go to the doctors a few times. I'm still alive! God always keeps us safe, ね! I found out that I have IBS just like my sister... So there goes yummy food, lol! It's alright, I got Jesus and that's all I need or could ever want! God is awesome ne!
So the pictures below are from yesterday, every year for the past two year or three years we have had a little get together the week before heist as and just eat tons of food. And so the year I made apple pie! Homemade vanilla bean Ice cream, and cookies! God blessed me with being able to eat some of the food without getting sick, thank you Lord!!!
So below are the pictures, I love the one with my brother in the background... Hahahah! ^__^
I hope everyone has a super blessed Christmas eve and Christmas day! God loves you so much, all glory and honor and praise be to God and God alone! Let's all remember to just thank God for His amazing mercy, grace and love! God is love! He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. I love you Jesus! ^__^
Ps. Remember to keep Japan in your prayers, also Korea and the Philippines. The Philippines just had a large tropical storm, and 200 are dead and many missing. Pray that the missing people would be found. God is in control, He is our strength!
Time has been flying by, God has blessed me so much with my classes, by exams, and just being able to spend more time in the word!
Sorry for updating much, I've been very sick lately and had to go to the doctors a few times. I'm still alive! God always keeps us safe, ね! I found out that I have IBS just like my sister... So there goes yummy food, lol! It's alright, I got Jesus and that's all I need or could ever want! God is awesome ne!
So the pictures below are from yesterday, every year for the past two year or three years we have had a little get together the week before heist as and just eat tons of food. And so the year I made apple pie! Homemade vanilla bean Ice cream, and cookies! God blessed me with being able to eat some of the food without getting sick, thank you Lord!!!
So below are the pictures, I love the one with my brother in the background... Hahahah! ^__^
I hope everyone has a super blessed Christmas eve and Christmas day! God loves you so much, all glory and honor and praise be to God and God alone! Let's all remember to just thank God for His amazing mercy, grace and love! God is love! He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. I love you Jesus! ^__^
Ps. Remember to keep Japan in your prayers, also Korea and the Philippines. The Philippines just had a large tropical storm, and 200 are dead and many missing. Pray that the missing people would be found. God is in control, He is our strength!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Gods grace.
God is chyoo good! So many times I am in awe of God! He continues to bless me way beyond what I could ever imagine. I don't deserve anything, it's all Gods amazing mercy, grace and love. God I am Yours! Not my will but Yours be done! I love you Lord!
God has showed me lately to have complete faith in Him like a child, clinging to Him for everything, having complete faith and peace knowing that God is right here holding my hand! God is my joy!
\(^∇^)/ praise the Lord!
God is good! ^__^
Keep Japan is your prayers, they need Jesus!
God has showed me lately to have complete faith in Him like a child, clinging to Him for everything, having complete faith and peace knowing that God is right here holding my hand! God is my joy!
\(^∇^)/ praise the Lord!
God is good! ^__^
Keep Japan is your prayers, they need Jesus!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
It's thanksgiving! I hope that everyone had a blessed and wonderful thanksgiving. God blessed me so much with being able to just be in awe of His amazing mercy, grace and love continually and I am so thankful that Jesus saved me! God I am Yours, not my will but Yours be done Jesus!
Below are some pictures of the food, table decorations, pies and also the favors I made everyone. They were little bags with some homemade chocolate cookies I made the night before. And then on the from was the bible verse Psalm 95:2 I believe? God is good ね!
Please remember to keep Japan in your prayers, they need Jesus. They don't even know of His love, mercy grace. They need Jesus!
I love you Jesus!!!
- Ally
Below are some pictures of the food, table decorations, pies and also the favors I made everyone. They were little bags with some homemade chocolate cookies I made the night before. And then on the from was the bible verse Psalm 95:2 I believe? God is good ね!
Please remember to keep Japan in your prayers, they need Jesus. They don't even know of His love, mercy grace. They need Jesus!
I love you Jesus!!!
- Ally
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Being broken...
It's something we all don't like but we all need. So many times I pray for God to mold and shape me, and then when He is breaking me I'm like " why God, this is too hard" but then God pours out His grace upon me and makes me more like Jesus daily. A few days ago God kept showing me all day in my classes that He has a reason for everything. And I was like "that's cool, so why did you show me this today God? What do you have for to learn from it?" but like I didn't get an answer, and then after that I had horrible, very very hard spiritual warfare. Satan trying to use my guilty conscience to torment me, and I kept crying out to God to save me and to show me what I needed to do. But I had no answer, it was the first time in my walk with God that I felt like He was not there and it scared me. I thought I had did spending wrong, I kept going over and over in my head of the past week. Guilting myself for everything and Satan all the more used this to torment me more. But I was not Satan that made me scared, it as feeling like I couldn't feel Gods presence. But I kept reminding myself of scriptures, that God will never leave me nor forsake me. One of my biggest problems when I go through spiritual warfare is I become sick, physically. I become ill. And the other day my friend told me that I was letting my guilt of not feeling like I am good enough to torment me, which led to spiritual warfare. So I started to pray about it, God what am I doing wrong??? And still no answer. I kept crying out knowing that God could hear me. And today it hit, wall I was doing my growing in grace class which God had really put on my heart but Satan was trying to make me feel like I should not do, but making me super sleepy, my flesh being lazy. But then I started it and it was all on contrasting the Old Covenant: law and the New Covenant: Grace. And I was like "this is cool" but then like halfway through it hit me, I heard God again and He said to my heart "your living in the law" and I was super confused? Because I know that I cannot do anything without God, so I prayed and God showed me: who is the one who makes you able to love? Who is the one who forgave you of your sins? Who is the one who gives you a heart for the lost? Who is the one whom loved you first, which is why I love God because He first loves me. Who is the one of puts that peace and joy in your heart? Who is the one who daily gives you the strength to be dilligent? Who is the one who takes away the veil? Who is the one who gives you the love to love your brothers and sisters in Christ? Who is your savior? And I was like "God You are!" and God put it on my heart: then why are you trying to do it? And I realized that I was trying to be loving, I was trying to love God with all my heart and soul, I was trying to be dilligent, I was trying to love my brothers and sisters in Christ, I was trying to love the lost, I was trying to be... Holy, Righteous and Pure. Which is what the law tells us to be. But we cannot do it, if we live by the law we are slowly killing our self. I have been saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, it is not of works lest anyone boast by it is a gift from God. God showed me I was trying to live how God wanted me to, and God broke me. He showed me I cannot do t and it literally kills me (makes me ill and sick.) and God showed me that the reason why I am able to live how God wants me to is by His grace. I can't do it, I knew I couldn't but I was still trying and it was not until God broke me and showed me that any good in me is from God. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights. God showed me I can't do it, but He can. And when I was Broken He picked my up and fixed me by His amazing mery, grace and love. I felt this huge weight lift off of me, I wanted to dance ad song and praise the Lord! I wanted to drop to my knees and praise God! Truly God is good. And after that God showed me that it is not be doing anything but It is God working in and through me by His grace, making me more like Jesus daily. God Is my Lord and savior and everyday is a wonderful day, because Jesus Christ died for my sins and I have life in Him.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Christmas shopping and Gods amazing grace and mercy.
God has really been showing me just how much He has blessed me in just the past week. We are so easy to forget the blessings God has done for us and also even miss them. Daily God just shows me how He will never leave me. It seems so easy? Have faith completely in God and give it all to God, but we so easily worry. Im a worry wart.., I worry. But God out of His grace and mercy continues to work on me daily. I love God with all my heart and soul and only want what He has for me. Lord please help me, to daily die to myself and my flesh and let You Holy Spirit rule and reign in my life. I love you Lord! ^__^
Also, I went Christmas shopping!!! It's almost Christmas dude! It's less than a week to thanksgiving. And I'm almost done with my second semester of bible college?!?!! God is so truly good! ^__^
Also, I went Christmas shopping!!! It's almost Christmas dude! It's less than a week to thanksgiving. And I'm almost done with my second semester of bible college?!?!! God is so truly good! ^__^
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
God is so truly good. He blows my mind each and everyday with His love. I am nothing without God. Lord, I am Yours, my life belongs completely to You oh Lord! Use me Lord, not my will but Yours be done.
I don't want what I want. I want what God wants. I decrease, God increase.
I love Jesus!!! \(^∇^)/ praise the Lord!
I don't want what I want. I want what God wants. I decrease, God increase.
I love Jesus!!! \(^∇^)/ praise the Lord!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Let it snow let it snow let it snow
It snowed! On November 10th 2011 it snowed in Michigan. It's late this year, last year it snowed November 5th hehe. So lately God has been showing me that I kept trying to do everything on my own. Like I know I can't do anything without God, and yet I kept trying to make my schedule and be super dilligent on my own. And God showed me that I can't do it. I need God for every little thing, and so after I just gave it all to God an was broken before God crying out for help, God rescued me. ^__^ He showed me that each and everyday I need to come to Him, asking and seeking what classes He has for me to do that day. And I've I gave it all to God, all my classes I did that day that God put on my heart where such a blessing! He re lighted the fire and excitement for my classes! God is chyoo good! And here is the verse that God really encouraged me with yesterday, Malachi 3:16 <-- awesome verse! God write are name down in the book of remembrance, He loves to hear from us! God is good!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I can't believe how fast time is going by, I am already more than halfway done in all my bible college classes! Wahh!!! I'm almost finished with my second semester!!! God is good. He continues to show me how I am nothing without God, but that He is my everything and in Jesus I can do all things! God is my strength! ^__^ all my classes are such a huge blessing, each and everyone God has me taking this semester for a reason. The past 2 months I have had tons of spiritual warfare, but through it God has strengthened me and showed me I cannot do it without Him. It's a daily relationship with Jesus, clinging to the cross know I am nothing without God, but He is my bread of life, my living water. God is good! Daily I fall more in love with Him! \(^∇^)/ praise the Lord! So... Another thing I want to say is that I am so blessed with beig able to still attend ccginowan in Okinawa by online stream. God has blessed both me and my mom and many other people through this. Thank Lord! All glory and honor be to God! So until my next update, またね!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Christmas time~
Ahh it's almost Christmas time!!! I've already watched this movie once this year, and will again on thanksgiving and on christmas hahahah! Lol...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Blog updates
Ta~da I can finally update my blog through my iPod! Praise the Lord! I'll be able to also post pictures again. Today... I am doing Ephesians class, missions and the gospel of John and already God has just been pouring out His amazing love and mercy upon me. And the understanding from God, God is good ね!
Another thing I have noticed is that fall has come... And is almost gone, these pictures were taken two weeks ago and already the weather has gotten so cold that it might snow... Lol!
Another thing I have noticed is that fall has come... And is almost gone, these pictures were taken two weeks ago and already the weather has gotten so cold that it might snow... Lol!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
God is good. ^__^
Each day, I continually see God's grace... pouring out upon my life. I don't deserve it... and yet God loves me. That right there, "But God loves me" is my joy each and everyday. throughout the bible, everytime I see the words "But God" and it brings a smile to my face, But God, because of His amazing mercy and Grace, gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins.
- God, I pray that my heart would look like yours Jesus...
Jesus, you are my first and only love.
- Ally
- God, I pray that my heart would look like yours Jesus...
Jesus, you are my first and only love.
- Ally
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Semester... ^__^
i realized one thing... I have not posted pictures on my blog in forever it seems, and I realized today why? ever since I got my ipod touch 4th generation that has a camera, I have not been using my green camera to take picures.. hmmm. so I have decided to start using both again so I can start adding pictures onto my blog again... lol!
My classes:
- Genesis
- Ephesians
- Epistles of John (Letters of John)
- John (the gospel)
- Growing in Grace
- Missions
- 1st and 2nd Samuel (which I don't start until November)
God has been teaching and showing me alot lately, I have noticed that this semester there is like 3 themes of my classes, it's so awesome how God has all the classes I am taking go together! God is awesome, ne!
the first theme is : Faith!
learning to have complete faith in God even when things are hard. always remembering that God will never leave me nor forsake me and will always be holding my hand through it all! it's been hard, lots of spiritual warfare.. but through it all God gives me the strength each and everyday, continually pouring out is amazing Grace... which brings me to the next theme.
the second theme is: Grace!
it's awesome to see how in every class i'm taking I see God's Grace! today in both my John class and my Growing in Grace class I just continue to see the amazing Grace of God. I was always confused between justification and santification. but today in my Growing in Grace class God made it clear to me, When we give are lives to Christ, we are save by the Grace of God through Faith in God, (justification). and after that many times christians try to then be good enough, but we need to realize that we can do NOTING without God. once we are christians we need Grace just as much as when we were first saved, conitually realizing that we can do nothing without God, but having complete faith in God that He can do it through us by His Grace, (santification).
all the more I just fall more and more in love with Jesus! Jesus Christ is Grace!
and the third theme: Not Doubting, but Trusting God completly!
with alot of my spiritual warfare, satan tries to make me doubt everything. from my salvation, to my walk with God to even just the little things in my life. but God continues to pour out His amazing Grace upon me and reminds me that satan may be stronger than us, but that God is stronger than satan and God is in us! God is my strength and my refuge... I will trust in HIm all the days of my life! ^__^
continually the verse in Philippians 4:13:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". continues to so much apply to my life, God will give me the strength an I put all my trust in HIm. I cannot do anything without HIm but in CHrist I can do al things!
To God all glory and honor be! He is my life, my first and only love! ^__^
Keep going strong for the Lord, He loves us so much! we love Him because He first loved us!
- Ally
My classes:
- Genesis
- Ephesians
- Epistles of John (Letters of John)
- John (the gospel)
- Growing in Grace
- Missions
- 1st and 2nd Samuel (which I don't start until November)
God has been teaching and showing me alot lately, I have noticed that this semester there is like 3 themes of my classes, it's so awesome how God has all the classes I am taking go together! God is awesome, ne!
the first theme is : Faith!
learning to have complete faith in God even when things are hard. always remembering that God will never leave me nor forsake me and will always be holding my hand through it all! it's been hard, lots of spiritual warfare.. but through it all God gives me the strength each and everyday, continually pouring out is amazing Grace... which brings me to the next theme.
the second theme is: Grace!
it's awesome to see how in every class i'm taking I see God's Grace! today in both my John class and my Growing in Grace class I just continue to see the amazing Grace of God. I was always confused between justification and santification. but today in my Growing in Grace class God made it clear to me, When we give are lives to Christ, we are save by the Grace of God through Faith in God, (justification). and after that many times christians try to then be good enough, but we need to realize that we can do NOTING without God. once we are christians we need Grace just as much as when we were first saved, conitually realizing that we can do nothing without God, but having complete faith in God that He can do it through us by His Grace, (santification).
all the more I just fall more and more in love with Jesus! Jesus Christ is Grace!
and the third theme: Not Doubting, but Trusting God completly!
with alot of my spiritual warfare, satan tries to make me doubt everything. from my salvation, to my walk with God to even just the little things in my life. but God continues to pour out His amazing Grace upon me and reminds me that satan may be stronger than us, but that God is stronger than satan and God is in us! God is my strength and my refuge... I will trust in HIm all the days of my life! ^__^
continually the verse in Philippians 4:13:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". continues to so much apply to my life, God will give me the strength an I put all my trust in HIm. I cannot do anything without HIm but in CHrist I can do al things!
To God all glory and honor be! He is my life, my first and only love! ^__^
Keep going strong for the Lord, He loves us so much! we love Him because He first loved us!
- Ally
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The hearing of the truth, that brought Faith to are hearts.
Listening to Growing in Grace class! God is good!
Listening to Growing in Grace class! God is good!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Today I started my second semester of CCBC!!! Praise the Lord! and also my books came the same day. I am so excited for what God has instore for me this semester!
God is Good!
- Ally
God is Good!
- Ally
Thursday, September 22, 2011
having Peace and Trusting in God.
I have been going through a lot of spiritual warfare lately, and usually I have the instant peace about things that God gives me... but lately God has been showing me that your not always going to get that instant peace but that we need to trust God and know that He will pull us through and will NEVER leave us. lately God has really put on my heart to trust Him, and I was like "God I do trust You" but then God showed me that If I trusted Him I wouldn't worry and I would rest in HIm. satan has been using this and been bugging me alot with tons of spiritual warfare, trying to make me think I don't trust God and tha's why I didn't have peace right away. But these past few weeks i've been readung 1st and 2nd Samuel and Philippians for my morning devotions and being super blessed in tem, and then God showed me how David was being constantly chased and many people were out to kill David but God promised David that He would make him king of Israel and destroy his enemies. God always keeps His promises! ^__^ but what I noticed with Saul and David was that God didn't give David peace from his enemies right away, David was chased for awhile. and God really spoke to my heart later today that I'm not going to always get that peace instantly but to ALWAYS TRUST God in everything and know that He will pull me through and God WILL give me peace, which also goes to,
Philippians 4:6-7 : Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I had read this many times but God really spoke to my heart about it, and that God is my peace in Christ Jesus and that I need to not worry or be anxious about not having peace instantly. But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. all Glory and Honor be to God! Jesus Christ my Savior, my first love and my only love! God has my heart, my soul, my everything forever. forever I will be with God and Jesus Christ my Savior for eternity!
I continue to fall more in love with Jesus Christ my savior, continually in awe of God's amazing love and mercy! each and everyday growing closer to God! ^__^
Two other things that have been going on, I have been uber blessed by God to be able to spend time with my family more and really encourage my mom and be an example to her, sharing God's love and mercy with my mom and my whole family daily. please pray for them!
And the other thing is that we are moving, finally! Praise the Lord! God blessed us with a super awesome deal on a house for rent, and my family will almost be chopping there monthly rent bill in half... almost! lol! ^__^ Thank you God for such a uber awesome deal on the house for rent! All Glory and honor be to you God! ^__^
Well I'll try to update again soon, maybe with pictures of the new house? I dunno yet, lol!
- Remember to keep both Mainland Japan and Okinawa in your prayers, they need Jesus Christ in there lives, there a lost nation and they need God!
I hope that everyone has an awesome and super blessed week and weekend, may God bless all your days! keep going strong for the Lord, praising and glorifing Him in everything that you do!
- Ally
Philippians 4:6-7 : Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I had read this many times but God really spoke to my heart about it, and that God is my peace in Christ Jesus and that I need to not worry or be anxious about not having peace instantly. But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. all Glory and Honor be to God! Jesus Christ my Savior, my first love and my only love! God has my heart, my soul, my everything forever. forever I will be with God and Jesus Christ my Savior for eternity!
I continue to fall more in love with Jesus Christ my savior, continually in awe of God's amazing love and mercy! each and everyday growing closer to God! ^__^
Two other things that have been going on, I have been uber blessed by God to be able to spend time with my family more and really encourage my mom and be an example to her, sharing God's love and mercy with my mom and my whole family daily. please pray for them!
And the other thing is that we are moving, finally! Praise the Lord! God blessed us with a super awesome deal on a house for rent, and my family will almost be chopping there monthly rent bill in half... almost! lol! ^__^ Thank you God for such a uber awesome deal on the house for rent! All Glory and honor be to you God! ^__^
Well I'll try to update again soon, maybe with pictures of the new house? I dunno yet, lol!
- Remember to keep both Mainland Japan and Okinawa in your prayers, they need Jesus Christ in there lives, there a lost nation and they need God!
I hope that everyone has an awesome and super blessed week and weekend, may God bless all your days! keep going strong for the Lord, praising and glorifing Him in everything that you do!
- Ally
Monday, September 19, 2011
update time!
much needed update! lol, I always seem to forget and be busy, and don't update. sorry!
so alot has happened since I last updated.
my family is moving! lol, we are moving from the house were in now to another across town.
it's a huge blessing because my family will be able to save a bunch of money each month, Praise the Lord!!! ^__^
and also my school books for Bible College should get here sometime this week or maybe next? I dunno for sure, but I am so excited to start my second semester of Bible College! Thank you Lord for being bale to study your word again! I am so excited to see what God is going to teach me and show me this semester.
I am going to try and update soon, and add pictures!
remember to keep japan in your prayers, they need Jesus!
- Ally
so alot has happened since I last updated.
my family is moving! lol, we are moving from the house were in now to another across town.
it's a huge blessing because my family will be able to save a bunch of money each month, Praise the Lord!!! ^__^
and also my school books for Bible College should get here sometime this week or maybe next? I dunno for sure, but I am so excited to start my second semester of Bible College! Thank you Lord for being bale to study your word again! I am so excited to see what God is going to teach me and show me this semester.
I am going to try and update soon, and add pictures!
remember to keep japan in your prayers, they need Jesus!
- Ally
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
a needed update...
hmm I realized that I have not updated in awhile. so much has gone on...
so first thing. after alot of prayer and seeking God I decided not to go back to California for Bible college this semester, and to stay at home and take my second semester of Bible College at home. God blessed me way beyond what I could ever imagine. I had never really felt led to go to California for Bible college but many people wanted me to go, and I decided that I would go... even though I didn't feel led to serve there. after everything that happened with at first not having the rest of tuition and coming home, and then getting off the plane and being told that the tuition was provided for. then I didn;t know what to do because I didn't feel led to go there, but at the same time the tuition was provided for and I was worried what people would say if I didn't go. but then a friend of mine asked me, "where do you want to go?" and when I thought about it, I truly didn't feel led to go to California for Bible College but that I felt led and wanted to get the teaching there. and God blessed me so much with giving me the choice, to either go back and take my second semester in California or stay at home and take my second semester of Bible College online. God provided for both choices and blessed me way beyond what I could even imagine, all praise and honor to God! and so... I chose to take online classes, and through this God has blessed me with being able to take more credits and classes and to get ahead in credits. Through all of this God has taught me so much to Trust Him with everything, and to have complete faith in Him. Jesus Christ my savior, my joy and happiness! All glory and honor to God!
more updates to come, it's getting late! lol...
- Ally
so first thing. after alot of prayer and seeking God I decided not to go back to California for Bible college this semester, and to stay at home and take my second semester of Bible College at home. God blessed me way beyond what I could ever imagine. I had never really felt led to go to California for Bible college but many people wanted me to go, and I decided that I would go... even though I didn't feel led to serve there. after everything that happened with at first not having the rest of tuition and coming home, and then getting off the plane and being told that the tuition was provided for. then I didn;t know what to do because I didn't feel led to go there, but at the same time the tuition was provided for and I was worried what people would say if I didn't go. but then a friend of mine asked me, "where do you want to go?" and when I thought about it, I truly didn't feel led to go to California for Bible College but that I felt led and wanted to get the teaching there. and God blessed me so much with giving me the choice, to either go back and take my second semester in California or stay at home and take my second semester of Bible College online. God provided for both choices and blessed me way beyond what I could even imagine, all praise and honor to God! and so... I chose to take online classes, and through this God has blessed me with being able to take more credits and classes and to get ahead in credits. Through all of this God has taught me so much to Trust Him with everything, and to have complete faith in Him. Jesus Christ my savior, my joy and happiness! All glory and honor to God!
more updates to come, it's getting late! lol...
- Ally
Friday, August 26, 2011
A long 5 days... ^__^
So alot has happened since I last updated. lol!
Let me start from the beginning, so I left monday morning for oriantation, and on the plane ride I found out that the rest of my tuition was not covered... so when I got to the college I had to go back the next day. and so the next day I got on a plane and headed back to michigan... and... when I got back home, someone provided the rest of the tuition. I was then confused, do I stay and do online classes or do I go all the way back to California for Bible College? after much prayer and seeking what God had for me, neither one seemed wrong. but God really put it on my heart that He wanted me to go back to California and study His word there. and so I am going back on a plane sunday morning to California! lol!
PLease keep me in your prayers, as I am really sick right now and also because I am going to be flying again! but through all of this I was confused why God brought me back home, but I feel it was God showing me that either one was fine (online classes or campus) but to TRUST God and go back. GOd is always good, He is with me no matter where I go and is always right there next to me holding my hand! ^__^
I will try to update once I have time again, and ... tomorrow is my 18th birthday!!! WAHH I am getting old... lol! daijobu, I am excited to go and study God's word!!!
Let me start from the beginning, so I left monday morning for oriantation, and on the plane ride I found out that the rest of my tuition was not covered... so when I got to the college I had to go back the next day. and so the next day I got on a plane and headed back to michigan... and... when I got back home, someone provided the rest of the tuition. I was then confused, do I stay and do online classes or do I go all the way back to California for Bible College? after much prayer and seeking what God had for me, neither one seemed wrong. but God really put it on my heart that He wanted me to go back to California and study His word there. and so I am going back on a plane sunday morning to California! lol!
PLease keep me in your prayers, as I am really sick right now and also because I am going to be flying again! but through all of this I was confused why God brought me back home, but I feel it was God showing me that either one was fine (online classes or campus) but to TRUST God and go back. GOd is always good, He is with me no matter where I go and is always right there next to me holding my hand! ^__^
I will try to update once I have time again, and ... tomorrow is my 18th birthday!!! WAHH I am getting old... lol! daijobu, I am excited to go and study God's word!!!
Friday, August 19, 2011
so... sorry for not updating... ^__^
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Counting down...
So today I went to the library with my mom and got some manga and movies to watch and read! today I realized that school starts in about 2 weeks... and so I thought "Ahh I better watch and read these before school starts" lol!
Thank you Lord for the blessing of being able to listen to your word... no matter where I am!
I will continue to try and update at least once a day until I leave. please keep me in your prayers as I am having alot of spiritual warfare. satan does not like it when we step out in faith and trust God with all of are hearts, but I know that God will give me the strength to pull through!
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phil. 4:13
^__^ God is good!
- Ally
Monday, August 8, 2011
And so, since my last update I have been accepted to Calvary Chapel Bibble College Murrieta. and also God has provided the money for tuition!!! Praise the Lord!!! and now everything is moving chyoo fast. I am leaving in about 10 days or so, and so I am going to try to update once a day for the next 10 days before I leave for California! And so...
Cupcakes!!! We wen't to my grandparents for Friday Night Dinner, and my grandma brought out chyoo yummy cupcakes! ^__^
~ Taking pictures of flowers at my
grandparents house ~
~ I really liked this flower, chyoo kiree~
Stay tuned for the next 10 days before I leave for California for... BIBLE COLLEGE!!!
I'm going to try and update each day for 10 days before I leave!
Thank you God for this wonderful day! I'm chyoo excited for bible college, praise the Lord!
- Ally
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Donation button!!!
After having many people tell me to add a donation button to my blog, I finally have!
I had been beating around the bush for awhile... because I didn't know how to add the button... but after asking someone, i learned how. lol!
I added the button so that If anyone felt led by God to donate money, that they could.
I am not asking anyone to donate, just wanted to add the button so that if anyone felt led by God that they now are able to donate. I also added this button for in the future when I am out of the mission field. I don't know why, but I felt led myself to add this button. I don't know why, but God put it on my heart that I needed to update my blog and add the donation button before I left for Bible College. To anyone who is reading this, I hope you have a awesome and God filled day!
- Ally
I had been beating around the bush for awhile... because I didn't know how to add the button... but after asking someone, i learned how. lol!
I added the button so that If anyone felt led by God to donate money, that they could.
I am not asking anyone to donate, just wanted to add the button so that if anyone felt led by God that they now are able to donate. I also added this button for in the future when I am out of the mission field. I don't know why, but I felt led myself to add this button. I don't know why, but God put it on my heart that I needed to update my blog and add the donation button before I left for Bible College. To anyone who is reading this, I hope you have a awesome and God filled day!
- Ally
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Update ^__^
Ahh sorry i've not updated in a long time, so much stuff has been going on.
let me start with the biggest thing in my life that God has been doing!
well I posted before that God had put it on my heart to either go to California for Bible College, or to go back to Okinawa for my next semester of Bible College. and after much prayer and seeking God, still I felt led to go to both. and so I took a step in faith and started to go towards Okinawa, but then God changed everything and showed me that California is where He wanted me to go! this suprised me and scared me at first, as I have never been there. but God gave me complete peace about everything. and so of course with this tons of spiritual warfare started. for the past 3 weeks I have gone through tons of spiritual warfare, satan trying to make me feel like 'why would God ever provide for you, you don't deserve anything' and alot of other stuff. But through all of this, God has brought me closer to Him and strengthened me daily. each day God shows me more and His amazing mercy, love and grace. I don't deserve anything, but God is such a merciful and loving God and He makes me worth it.
For by grace you have been saved through faith,
and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8
And so daily God gives me the strength to go out and share His amazing love and mercy with the people who need to hear it so much.
And so CCBC Murrieta! wow! I am chyoo excited. After God put it on my heart to go to California for Bible College, I then applied and last friday I got excepted! YEAH! Praise the Lord!
Since God has given me the heart to go to California this semester, He has provided so much already. the pther day I found out that the credit I have at American Airlines is able to be used for more than 1 ticket. and so I now have enough money to buy a ticket to California, and also have money left over to almost pay for a ticket to Okinawa! Such a huge and awesome suprise blessing! Thank you God! ^__^
daily God continues to provide for everything, and each and everyday I learn to put all my faith in God with everything! I still do not have the money for tuition, but I know that God will provide. Please keep me in your prayers, that God would lead and guide me during my semester at Bible College and also for me to have patience waiting for God to provide for the tuition. God is good! I also have one more prayer request, that you would pray for my family, they need Jesus. and also pray that for the 3 weeks I am still at home that God would use me to minister and share the love of God with them.
Have a wonderful and blessed week! remember that God loves you very much!
- Ally
let me start with the biggest thing in my life that God has been doing!
well I posted before that God had put it on my heart to either go to California for Bible College, or to go back to Okinawa for my next semester of Bible College. and after much prayer and seeking God, still I felt led to go to both. and so I took a step in faith and started to go towards Okinawa, but then God changed everything and showed me that California is where He wanted me to go! this suprised me and scared me at first, as I have never been there. but God gave me complete peace about everything. and so of course with this tons of spiritual warfare started. for the past 3 weeks I have gone through tons of spiritual warfare, satan trying to make me feel like 'why would God ever provide for you, you don't deserve anything' and alot of other stuff. But through all of this, God has brought me closer to Him and strengthened me daily. each day God shows me more and His amazing mercy, love and grace. I don't deserve anything, but God is such a merciful and loving God and He makes me worth it.
For by grace you have been saved through faith,
and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8
And so daily God gives me the strength to go out and share His amazing love and mercy with the people who need to hear it so much.
And so CCBC Murrieta! wow! I am chyoo excited. After God put it on my heart to go to California for Bible College, I then applied and last friday I got excepted! YEAH! Praise the Lord!
Since God has given me the heart to go to California this semester, He has provided so much already. the pther day I found out that the credit I have at American Airlines is able to be used for more than 1 ticket. and so I now have enough money to buy a ticket to California, and also have money left over to almost pay for a ticket to Okinawa! Such a huge and awesome suprise blessing! Thank you God! ^__^
daily God continues to provide for everything, and each and everyday I learn to put all my faith in God with everything! I still do not have the money for tuition, but I know that God will provide. Please keep me in your prayers, that God would lead and guide me during my semester at Bible College and also for me to have patience waiting for God to provide for the tuition. God is good! I also have one more prayer request, that you would pray for my family, they need Jesus. and also pray that for the 3 weeks I am still at home that God would use me to minister and share the love of God with them.
Have a wonderful and blessed week! remember that God loves you very much!
- Ally
Sunday, July 17, 2011
My hair...
So what have I been up to lately? well tonight I finally decided to clean out my backpack ( Which has not been cleaned out the whole semester in Okinawa, and I have not cleaned it since being home ) and so... after being home two months I have decided to finally clean it.
sowwy the picture is blurry, I was laughing at how much junk I found in my backpack!

More posts to come... ^__^
sowwy the picture is blurry, I was laughing at how much junk I found in my backpack!
This is what I got out of my backpack after I cleaned it all. I thought there was more in there...?
More posts to come... ^__^
Saturday, July 16, 2011
God is good! tank you Lord for your everlasting mercies and grace. I Trust you Lord with all of my heart, my Life is yours God! I love you Lord Jesus, my Savior.
Thank you God!
Thank you God!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Update!!! sorry i've not updated in awhile, so much has been going on.
So to begin with, my awesome sister is married!!!!!!!!! she is now Mrs. Manda Diaz!!!
It was such a beautiful wedding, and I am so excited to see what God will do in Manda and Eder's life now as a married couple! I love you Manda and Eder very very much!!!
and so what ended up happeneing was this, me and my mom and brothers took a road trip from Michigan to Las Vegas. It took about 3 days to get there and 3 days to get back. it was fun!
I had such a blessed time in Las Vegas with Eder and all his friends and family, they are so sweet and nice! Thank you God for such an amazing and blessed trip. God is good~
and so I come to the next big thing in my life. so I have been praying as to were I should go this coming semester for Bible College, and it was between California and Okinawa. I very much want to go back to Okinawa, as that is where I feel led to serve. and so after much prayer, God finally gave me my answer... and so! I am going to California this coming semester!
I am scared and nervous, but at the same time SOOO Excited! to see what God has instore for me the coming semester. take everyday one day at a time, serving God with all of my heart!
and so now I am just still praying about everything, and if I am supposed to go, God will provide everything! I am very excited to be able to study God's word again! Thank you Lord!
and so... alot has been going on, God is so good and truly I am in awe of Him daily. Thank you God! I love you Lord with all of my heart!
So to begin with, my awesome sister is married!!!!!!!!! she is now Mrs. Manda Diaz!!!
It was such a beautiful wedding, and I am so excited to see what God will do in Manda and Eder's life now as a married couple! I love you Manda and Eder very very much!!!
and so what ended up happeneing was this, me and my mom and brothers took a road trip from Michigan to Las Vegas. It took about 3 days to get there and 3 days to get back. it was fun!
I had such a blessed time in Las Vegas with Eder and all his friends and family, they are so sweet and nice! Thank you God for such an amazing and blessed trip. God is good~
and so I come to the next big thing in my life. so I have been praying as to were I should go this coming semester for Bible College, and it was between California and Okinawa. I very much want to go back to Okinawa, as that is where I feel led to serve. and so after much prayer, God finally gave me my answer... and so! I am going to California this coming semester!
I am scared and nervous, but at the same time SOOO Excited! to see what God has instore for me the coming semester. take everyday one day at a time, serving God with all of my heart!
and so now I am just still praying about everything, and if I am supposed to go, God will provide everything! I am very excited to be able to study God's word again! Thank you Lord!
and so... alot has been going on, God is so good and truly I am in awe of Him daily. Thank you God! I love you Lord with all of my heart!
Monday, June 6, 2011
so lately there has been alot of change in my life,
my sister is getting married in 18 days (YEA!!!) and I am so excited for her and Eder.
alot of things in my family have changed, some good, some bad...
but I know that God is working in my families hearts, it's all in God's hands! ^__^
and also my best friend... hmmm... has also had alot of big changes in his life also. but through all this change, I know that God is working in awesome ways and I am so excited to see what God is doing in peoples lives. lately God has really been showing and speaking to me about Trust, and not trying to do things in my strength but putting my trust in God's strength and not my own.
God is truly awesome and amazing. He has blessed me so much the past year and a half since I gave my life to Christ and have been following Him with all my heart. Thank you God for your love, mercy and grace. I talk alot God, but infront of you I am in aw with nothing to say. You are truly amazing Lord!
my sister is getting married in 18 days (YEA!!!) and I am so excited for her and Eder.
alot of things in my family have changed, some good, some bad...
but I know that God is working in my families hearts, it's all in God's hands! ^__^
and also my best friend... hmmm... has also had alot of big changes in his life also. but through all this change, I know that God is working in awesome ways and I am so excited to see what God is doing in peoples lives. lately God has really been showing and speaking to me about Trust, and not trying to do things in my strength but putting my trust in God's strength and not my own.
God is truly awesome and amazing. He has blessed me so much the past year and a half since I gave my life to Christ and have been following Him with all my heart. Thank you God for your love, mercy and grace. I talk alot God, but infront of you I am in aw with nothing to say. You are truly amazing Lord!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
so... alot of things have happened and are going on since I came back to michigan.
my sister came and visited before she gets married. she stayed for about 11 days, and it really helped me, she encouraged me with alot of things. i miss you manda~
since being back a few things have really been on my mind, and the first one is what's next...
during my first semester, I planned on that being my only semester I would do, but... during the semester GOd gave me the heart and told me to finish bible college. so next up after this summer is next semester, which brings me to the second thing on my mind... where?
well i've been praying about two different campus's, the main campus in California or going back to Okinawa for next semester. GOd has still not given me a clear answer yet so I am praying and waiting patiently (God has really been teaching me to be patient).
and then we come to the third thing on my mind... what does God have for me this summer...
I plan on getting ahead on chucks this summer, going to my sisters wedding at the end of this month (june 24th!!!), and... that's about it. lol! God has really been working on my heart since being back, and teaching me and showing me many things.
I've also been going through ALOT of spiritual warfare, and having satan constantly trying to either get me down, or tell me that God won't stay with me or that He has left me. But I know these things are false, and that God is always with me, forever!
I knew once my sister left, that it would become alot harder, and it did. but daily God gives me the strength to live each day, serving God with all of my heart.
so alot of things have been going on, but I am so happy that God is always with me, strengthening me and leading and guiding my every step. I love you Lord so much!!!
one thing that I have been dealing with is the fact of how much I don't deserve GOd's love, but He still loves me so much and blesses me way beyond what I can even imagine. I don't deserve it at all, but I thank God daily for His amazing grace, love and kindness... all glory and honor to God! and now that I am done posting on the update, I have one more thing to say...
I am SOOOOOO excited for next semester of Bible College, getting to study God's word, and growing closer and closer to Jesus Christ, my best friend in the whole wide world and my Savior!
ps. remember to keep Japan in your prayers, they need to hear of the love of God.
- Allie~
my sister came and visited before she gets married. she stayed for about 11 days, and it really helped me, she encouraged me with alot of things. i miss you manda~
since being back a few things have really been on my mind, and the first one is what's next...
during my first semester, I planned on that being my only semester I would do, but... during the semester GOd gave me the heart and told me to finish bible college. so next up after this summer is next semester, which brings me to the second thing on my mind... where?
well i've been praying about two different campus's, the main campus in California or going back to Okinawa for next semester. GOd has still not given me a clear answer yet so I am praying and waiting patiently (God has really been teaching me to be patient).
and then we come to the third thing on my mind... what does God have for me this summer...
I plan on getting ahead on chucks this summer, going to my sisters wedding at the end of this month (june 24th!!!), and... that's about it. lol! God has really been working on my heart since being back, and teaching me and showing me many things.
I've also been going through ALOT of spiritual warfare, and having satan constantly trying to either get me down, or tell me that God won't stay with me or that He has left me. But I know these things are false, and that God is always with me, forever!
I knew once my sister left, that it would become alot harder, and it did. but daily God gives me the strength to live each day, serving God with all of my heart.
so alot of things have been going on, but I am so happy that God is always with me, strengthening me and leading and guiding my every step. I love you Lord so much!!!
one thing that I have been dealing with is the fact of how much I don't deserve GOd's love, but He still loves me so much and blesses me way beyond what I can even imagine. I don't deserve it at all, but I thank God daily for His amazing grace, love and kindness... all glory and honor to God! and now that I am done posting on the update, I have one more thing to say...
I am SOOOOOO excited for next semester of Bible College, getting to study God's word, and growing closer and closer to Jesus Christ, my best friend in the whole wide world and my Savior!
ps. remember to keep Japan in your prayers, they need to hear of the love of God.
- Allie~
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
hmm what's been going on?
hmm.. something happened that was important? what was it... hmmm.., oh yea MY SISTER IS BACK!!! me and my mom picked her up at the detroit airport friday afternoon!
It was such a blessing having her be here, and she encouraged me with alot of things! thank you God for bringing manda here! God is truly amazing in how He provides for all are needs, and I put my trust completly in Him!

the picture above is manda looking at the daikon, and how small it is! they were sooo small.

My hair magically grew, lol!
Camping has begun! it was such a blessing to be able to go camping and getting to just hangout with my family. I was so happy that manda was able to be there!
It was such a blessing having her be here, and she encouraged me with alot of things! thank you God for bringing manda here! God is truly amazing in how He provides for all are needs, and I put my trust completly in Him!
~ Things that went on wall Manda was here! ~
<-- this picture I took for alex, "I tried to win it alex, but the stupid thing stold my 50cents."
My hair magically grew, lol!
Camping has begun! it was such a blessing to be able to go camping and getting to just hangout with my family. I was so happy that manda was able to be there!
- we wen't on the walk that we go on every year! it takes about 2 hours I think? i dunno my legs always hurt afterwards! lol.
<-- me and manda taking pictures of are grandparents! there chyoo kawaii together!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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